, B& B1 o6 L! S2 {9 SSub main()- ]$ n, w4 `1 ?$ b9 r
) D5 Z8 a3 w% ~+ F5 ]5 J$ e
Set swApp = Application.SldWorks ) i1 }3 K6 [" x/ S$ uSet swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc Y0 M3 J8 [# B9 `9 q h, G7 n; c ( w6 D; p E, {0 a- J, a. d' Check to see if a drawing is loaded.+ j( u) h9 A+ v
If (swModel Is Nothing) Or (swModel.GetType <> swDocDRAWING) Then6 y9 L, h+ [$ t& L! i
# W r0 e) u4 y8 {
swApp.SendMsgToUser ("To be used for drawings only, Open a drawing first and then TRY!") " U! |) q5 H7 d 2 c# k/ L3 d7 Y3 l) c* V E6 z' If no model currently loaded, then exit + S/ q+ f; y3 E6 P) G( L/ L. _Exit Sub % E5 H/ S$ `% X4 z2 O1 ^ 9 K) T; ?7 o4 F+ w( NEnd If $ l! M3 z& m S& r, ?' A% b! e8 V- f( ~5 J: H6 {" N# K5 ~) o
Set swDraw = swModel ; R/ _* H# G1 B8 R: L1 @: M7 |) nFilepath = Left(swDraw.GetPathName, InStrRev(swDraw.GetPathName, "\"))* h% u; L1 I7 k& g9 \# p1 i2 t! n" l+ _# `
" k" N& v) e! J- A; G+ x- B+ j% mIf Dir(Filepath & "導出圖紙", vbDirectory) = "" Then ' Change Sub folder Name here 1 J: w0 @: W1 a; o; ]MkDir Filepath + "導出圖紙" ' Change Sub folder Name here 7 k: E& ~. \4 OEnd If 8 |6 E! j0 q0 G9 W! a& GFilepath = Filepath + "導出圖紙\" ' Change Sub folder Name here " E1 T1 Y4 M7 `7 Q9 ^9 t( O. m4 I. C) g* }
Set swCustPrpMgr = swModel.Extension.CustomPropertyManager("") 5 [! @* N8 ^3 l$ b2 `# y: f z5 _ swCustPrpMgr.Get3 "", False, "", Value 'Change here the var revision "Rev"( h8 K( H; H L+ E' I9 C d
- e" `: |) A' }FileName = Mid(swDraw.GetPathName, InStrRev(swDraw.GetPathName, "\") + 1)9 D8 ~2 `: i8 _6 K: C, Q
FileName = Left(FileName, Len(FileName) - 7) & "" & Value & ".pdf"& U6 [* I. B5 Y
swDraw.SaveAs3 Filepath & FileName & "", 0, 0$ f) A# j: d! B
+ z, ^# v; S/ I; ['-------------------------------------------------- SAVE DXF 2 J& a+ @ v2 ~. \3 Q1 G8 _5 r 2 E5 y# P- U* L L! QSet swDraw = swModel8 t3 B0 c: y. U* X' g
Filepath = Left(swDraw.GetPathName, InStrRev(swDraw.GetPathName, "\")) ~4 q! k: C% k2 r! S( Q0 Z
If Dir(Filepath & "導出圖紙", vbDirectory) = "" Then ' Change Sub folder Name here $ _; P4 T. j/ ~4 JMkDir Filepath + "導出圖紙" ' Change Sub folder Name here 5 ?3 g* H l! J, qEnd If ; Q% x. ^, x% h* ?1 u4 @$ w' nFilepath = Filepath + "導出圖紙\" ' Change Sub folder Name here 6 r4 E. Y3 h5 S' y% B( j ) W2 w0 U2 n8 v" ySet swCustPrpMgr = swModel.Extension.CustomPropertyManager("") 0 A, }( L# ?, I: u: f1 k swCustPrpMgr.Get3 "", False, "", Value 'Change here the var revision "Rev": |: a8 c5 I5 @ S I1 ^- y$ h
9 r0 j9 s& a0 H2 p$ c
FileName = Mid(swDraw.GetPathName, InStrRev(swDraw.GetPathName, "\") + 1) ! n. c3 m8 h2 s! r6 ^FileName = Left(FileName, Len(FileName) - 7) & "" & Value & ".DXF" ' s7 {1 {! \! @7 m; ~9 Z n3 c; s4 w2 J/ c% y5 g! o
swDraw.SaveAs3 Filepath & FileName & "", 0, 08 Y; {- H6 [, {+ g% |' h5 S
" X) l3 [ ?, @7 ?) `3 Q2 hswDraw.Save ) Y9 o; q9 T& |3 B$ S0 P a _" h, \" v2 }2 w# {) g'swApp.ExitApp '關閉SW軟件) F2 _1 o! T4 i$ y/ y) V- c
End Sub" ] S4 m' y4 u7 z/ ^: N y) K
* |: r" B: M+ A! I$ R) f
9 {& i! C4 }. w/ I 作者: 大兄弟aa 時間: 2024-3-21 15:42
宏怎么用都不知道作者: shengyz 時間: 2024-3-21 16:26