

標題: blanchard grind 是什么打磨方法 ,?請教社友 [打印本頁]

作者: 漫步山林    時間: 2013-6-19 17:21
標題: blanchard grind 是什么打磨方法 ,?請教社友
: r. \" M7 q+ N( I4 t1 C8 J
作者: 夜鷹1988    時間: 2013-6-19 17:46
作者: 漫步山林    時間: 2013-6-19 17:54
現(xiàn)在有一40mm的板材 要加工到35  客戶的技術要求是blanchard gr  我們想用龍門銑床 可以嗎,加工出來的產(chǎn)品表面有什么不一樣  新人求解�,�,!
作者: wuxiluanpaoP    時間: 2013-6-19 18:00
作者: da_lao__    時間: 2013-6-19 18:16
作者: pexray    時間: 2013-6-19 20:12
作者: 動靜之機    時間: 2013-6-19 22:02
blanchard grind  =布蘭查德磨削法 = 轉(zhuǎn)臺式磨削& }0 X0 t9 d# R* c: C
- p7 Z: e! c$ _" _
Blanchard grinding is used to quickly remove stock from one side of a large part. Typically, ferrous metals are subjected to the Blanchard grinding process, since the part is often held in place by a magnetic chuck as it is ground. It is, however, possible to use Blanchard grinding on non-ferrous metals and even plastics, but production rates tend to be lower and costs are higher (due to added setup time).
! B/ Y8 K" X. i- O' z; d布蘭查德磨削法用于快速去除大(面積)零件的單側(cè)余量,。最適典型的零件是鐵磁類的,,因為機床多使用磁性轉(zhuǎn)盤夾持。當然也可以加工非鐵磁類產(chǎn)品甚至塑料件,,然而產(chǎn)能低,、費用高(因為上下料比用磁性浪費很多時間)。% V- c! P! j5 s& R0 s# ^

4 X) q" D& ]  [8 TBlanchard grinding leaves a specific finish pattern on surfaces, produced by the nature of the operation, and of the movement of grinding tools across the surface. Technically referred to as rotary surface grinding, the process is ideal for surfaces too large for disc grinding, such as plate stock, die blocks and rotary tables. Although it uses far more horsepower than other grinding services, turnaround time is much faster for certain parts; the process can be used simultaneously on multiple parts, as well, also leading to reduced production times and expense.
# O+ S  M  ~" V* [: B  W: h布蘭查德磨削法會在工件表面留下獨特的紋路,,這是砂輪劃過工件表面時自然產(chǎn)生的(呵呵,,擺線!�,。,。T摷夹g使用了旋轉(zhuǎn)工作臺,,因而工件比砂輪大也無妨,例如平板,、模塊和轉(zhuǎn)臺零件,。雖然這比一般的磨床需要高得多的功率,但是旋轉(zhuǎn)顯然更快(相較于傳統(tǒng)的直線進給),。而且多個零件可以同步加工,,這也進一步降低了工時和成本。" v3 }) K3 `" f4 d3 M3 [% P- P% a6 x

5 A+ J3 I; b- |6 [: l+ cIn a Blanchard grinding machine, the grinding wheel is mounted on a vertical spindle, and moves in a direction counter to the rotation of the magnetic chuck. Before grinding, surfaces should be relatively even, without any significant protrusions. The tolerances provided by Blanchard grinding machines can be as little as one-thousandth of an inch, with similar flatness. Tolerances, however, vary between materials and work pieces. Due to the design and operation of a Blanchard grinding machine, it will grind different work pieces to a uniform size, a benefit for extensive production runs.  a- R9 \  E" ]
布蘭查德磨床的砂輪軸垂直布置,,旋轉(zhuǎn)方向和磁性吸盤方向相反,。磨削前,,表面應相對平整,沒有異常凸起,。該加工方法可以保證公差范圍在千分之一英寸(25微米),,平面度亦是如此。然而公差和被加工的材料和形狀有很大關系,。通過(合理地)設計和使用該類設備,,各種工件可獲得一致的尺寸,從而使大批量生產(chǎn)受益,。4 N/ d! z2 @- b6 O0 _1 F
; {  G5 ^9 k: @5 H( V! f  z2 W
Blanchard grinding gets its name from the Blanchard Machine Company, a specialist in rotary grinding machines. The process is an excellent choice for applications requiring high-production rates and moderate finish accuracy.
) J2 X2 ]5 v1 O+ |布蘭查德磨削法得名于布蘭查德機床公司,,該公司是轉(zhuǎn)臺磨床的專家。該方法是中等精度高效率加工的優(yōu)選,。 9 m- R* O. V( [, e' ^9 ]7 _

8 b+ t: I# {# w$ N$ ]7 U; Y6 K這就是布蘭查德磨削法的紋路
1 G8 b4 S1 Q9 n* m( _/ v$ m[attach]287210[/attach]7 [- C2 X. I+ Y/ H  R* o
9 \% r$ P, c( S6 p
[attach]287216[/attach]" Q9 W! y5 _" R- R* ~/ W8 i! e" r4 h

7 m- K* A* J! W/ f) ]- f( P# ^+ S7 U  x! p6 S' g, W
+ n1 C9 y$ J# a6 G: l" W[attach]287211[/attach]
; D2 }4 p: I! b4 x1 u+ F
0 Z$ w" d  l* ]/ @3 D& g- a& {, D, u3 D

作者: yichuxi    時間: 2013-6-21 09:23
動靜之機 發(fā)表于 2013-6-19 22:02 4 T# b3 |& }" R" L
blanchard grind  =布蘭查德磨削法 = 轉(zhuǎn)臺式磨削
# ~. I% ~' r7 ^6 U7 c- Q; R- I9 K0 `* A
Blanchard grinding is used to quickly remove stock  ...

; _3 D+ p2 b, a  r8 J. f. n( s2 p6 G布蘭查德用的砂輪是平面磨削還是像普通磨床一樣砂輪圓周表面磨削
) [+ T/ j3 K0 a5 M9 X. g# m$ }
作者: yichuxi    時間: 2013-6-21 09:35
yichuxi 發(fā)表于 2013-6-21 09:23
/ I  t, S4 L. N6 s3 A! e7 T, H9 S布蘭查德用的砂輪是平面磨削還是像普通磨床一樣砂輪圓周表面磨削

8 y8 l& y& m; X那是不是用的碗狀砂輪磨削的; O; p/ m: p* M' b- S

作者: yichuxi    時間: 2013-6-21 09:48
yichuxi 發(fā)表于 2013-6-21 09:35 , u5 c1 h8 T$ z/ i  r+ ^9 y6 ~
! }) k7 X3 A% W" G1 C7 k0 t8 i
. }; B! T% l/ b- }( Y) l0 z保證砂輪切削時不碰到砂輪主軸- u: X. W- z$ n3 J

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