




樓主: 黑森林的鹿
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 樓主| 發(fā)表于 2016-4-7 20:58:05 | 只看該作者
【20160407】Pressure Angle
, p) v+ @# _: D5 W$ \' Z0 x5 K2 I& ~% B0 |6 m
It is the angle between the path of the follower motion and the line perpendicular to the cam profile at the point of contact.6 [3 t, i4 R  Y& a- L
+ i9 R' [: f; g
/ u5 a4 I. U* v. n4 o/ l8 y/ cOnly one component of the contact force generates the follower motion.
3 F& l3 `' p: U9 A' _5 m' M0 U9 `接觸力的一個分力驅(qū)動了從動件的運動。
2 v. [' c* w& Z8 O, Y( ^) R" ~, c$ }! n
+ l) E8 s  v: M* C8 {

( I3 F( T% r- vIn general:
; U8 s" L2 R  E) @# ^; e

) L; n9 p' q/ v- {% c+ C% Z- QThe magnitude of the pressure angle can be decreased by
" l3 V/ k7 y& U1 h1. Increasing the size of the base circle- N7 }4 ^5 V2 ~. S  X$ ]$ b9 p. m
2. Decreasing the magnitude of follower displacement
' ]- ?) x; J5 ]減小壓力角的方式:
0 b# Z; m7 `2 @9 L* X% S; U1.增大基圓
3 Q2 ]* n8 u3 q2.減小從動件位移大小4 m% ~2 d, M* m* T: t8 I
- k* o2 h+ ~# K6 @% u+ S
 樓主| 發(fā)表于 2016-4-7 20:59:15 | 只看該作者
踏水行歌 發(fā)表于 2016-4-6 21:32 " Y5 I- n1 t- [, G& Q! r
  }" O9 \4 w* I' {真是超級認(rèn)真的人啊>//////<
$ x$ s2 F" [8 l! ?樓主加油(•̀ロ•́)و✧ ~~

" Y: m8 M- T+ e4 B5 \& f( k9 D過獎過獎~謝謝鼓勵喲,!↖(^ω^)↗/ M& c1 H. t' q
 樓主| 發(fā)表于 2016-4-7 21:00:04 | 只看該作者
劉星宇 發(fā)表于 2016-4-6 22:12 * {) X5 I! ?1 Q

: m( F* _8 j3 O* @恩呢,!一定會堅持下去的!
8 J+ p) O+ J- a% I$ L% e$ |
 樓主| 發(fā)表于 2016-4-7 21:00:39 | 只看該作者
小黑兔 發(fā)表于 2016-4-6 22:44
* g6 D4 F3 \4 l( h, y8 i小妹紙 加油哦

( Y) d8 K6 N2 v$ \6 n- K; ^謝謝鼓勵哈,!注冊第一帖就是回我真是榮幸啊(⊙v⊙)
% ]: N2 W; g7 [, q
 樓主| 發(fā)表于 2016-4-8 22:10:44 | 只看該作者
【20160408】Design Limitation
( d2 y5 [1 }; A- e
, e2 s2 ]2 _3 ^! V: G- [At a cam angle of 135°,, there is a rapid rise and fall. The cam does not contact the follower, so the cam will not push the roller to the desired position.- ~, V: c. g3 m$ H4 K* U& Q
' V- H0 G1 z, R7 @ 1 m; C( c# b9 ?; k8 V
This situation can be corrected by:
! d4 F3 [/ p7 Q* `" E4 b2 Q6 M解決方案:

$ c! I" D7 a) ^9 r+ T( l/ P* |! g4 ?" j
using a larger base circle;
: m& Z. ~2 e: W, Z( N  B! ]reducing the diameter of the roller follower.' v. e* u1 @/ c5 s! X
使用更大的基圓尺寸,;9 j- q+ i% g. ?2 M" h
( d% H& u; ~! M4 T$ P
+ i9 y+ \4 z2 L% ]+ x/ qHowever, the contact stresses in the cam and follower are increased if the roller diameter is reduced.8 y1 s% _+ [/ a+ B; _/ ^8 k7 O
但是若減小滾輪從動件直徑,凸輪和從動件的接觸應(yīng)力會相應(yīng)增大,。" g4 s6 T3 p9 C1 I! @0 F% E; A2 J
: j- Q, S; J8 \& |6 R+ R  [' M
 樓主| 發(fā)表于 2016-4-9 17:26:00 | 只看該作者
【20160409】Gears: Kinematic Analysis and Selection- ~  {2 b0 e; E" ]4 g, _6 [
9 Q% o4 Y  e, r
) L! s$ B! _. K$ l3 s2 v; F8 V& B; B7 {; r* n4 n7 P
In general, the function of a gear is to transmit motion from one rotating shaft to another. In addition to transmitting the motion, gears are often used to increase or reduce speed, or change the direction of motion from one shaft to the other.
5 `7 k0 U3 ?# L! i* n通常來說,,齒輪的功能是在一個轉(zhuǎn)動軸與另一個之間傳遞運動。除此之外,,齒輪也常用于增速或降速,,或者改變兩軸的運動方向。" R( r" T0 r. q1 t. N
- g, H  S2 {: X0 X; }' ?* r" _6 i
Friction rollers or disks that are also designed to transmit motion are less costly than complex gear configurations,, but they may not be able to generate sufficient frictional forces and thus will slip under larger loads. To remedy the possibility of slipping, a gear is formed such that the smooth surfaces of the disks are replaced by teeth. The teeth provide a positive engagement and eliminate slipping., o. C3 q4 L8 b$ j. L" F1 O1 G
盡管摩擦輪也可傳遞運動,,而且比復(fù)雜的齒輪配置更加經(jīng)濟(jì),但可能因摩擦力不足而導(dǎo)致打滑,。為彌補(bǔ)這一缺陷,,帶齒齒輪取代摩擦輪成為了主流。帶齒齒輪嚙合更好,,并能減少打滑現(xiàn)象,。& D1 ]1 S6 d' c+ F; G9 T- C

0 u! M1 U1 n! C% BTYPES OF GEARS
0 H/ X$ l, L8 o' A; k8 N, D) H) C* @4 |4 t2 h
Spur gears are simplest and, hence, the most common type of gear. The teeth of a spur gear are parallel to the axis of rotation. Spur gears are used to transmit motion between parallel shafts, which encompasses the majority of applications. A pair of mating spur gears is illustrated in Figure 10.3a.
0 f$ m9 t: h, i9 Q4 P; s3 G( X& T直齒輪最簡單,應(yīng)用也最廣,。直齒輪的齒與轉(zhuǎn)動軸平行(指邊),。直齒輪用于傳遞兩平行軸之間的運動,這占了實際生產(chǎn)中的大多數(shù)情況,。圖a為一對配合的直齒輪,。. B& w) _! b- `6 W, x+ r

$ ~7 V, y8 d$ Q  k% PA rack is a special case of spur gear where the teeth of the rack are not formed around a circle, but laid flat. The rack can be perceived as a spur gear with an infinitely large diameter.When the rack mates with a spur gear, translating motion is produced. A mating rack and gear are illustrated in Figure 10.3b.
" k& E# z: u" Z( w+ q: Y4 B( d齒條是直齒輪的特例,,齒條的齒不是繞圓,而是平鋪形成的,。齒條可以看做是無限直徑的圓,。齒輪和齒條配合時產(chǎn)生平移運動。圖b為一對配合的齒輪齒條,。
) @1 c$ f, O0 h& z& f  U( ~3 C 3 q8 F5 h1 J" g3 }$ v1 |# b" i
" @9 \+ m; `* p+ F3 L' G
Internal or annular gears have the teeth formed on the inner surface of a circle. When mating with a spur gear, the internal gear has the advantage of reducing the distance between the gear centers for a given speed variation. An internal gear mating with a traditional spur gear is illustrated in Figure 10.3c.; ]! Q  m$ c  q* C( y
& X; A3 T! s5 q' \( v
5 t3 C1 ?$ G" J. \. \: sHelical gears are similar to, and can be used in the same applications as, spur gears. The difference is that the teeth of a helical gear are inclined to the axis of rotation. The angle of inclination is termed the helix angle, . This angle provides a more gradual engagement of the teeth during meshing and produces less impact and noise. Because of this smoother action, helical gears are preferred in high-speed applications. However, the helix angle produces thrust forces and bending couples, which are not generated in spur gears. A pair of mating helical gears is illustrated in Figure 10.3d.4 E; u* u! Y3 i+ V; w3 o$ B5 e
3 |+ R. _$ v9 G  u/ P
8 u* y8 O; a$ J. r# o5 ~( ]. M% x3 x2 x5 q: V: s
Herringbone gears are used in the same applications as spur gears and helical gears. In fact, they are also referred to as double helical gears. The herringbone gear appears as two opposite-hand helical gears butted against each other. This complex configuration counterbalances the thrust force of a helical gear. A herringbone gear is shown in Figure 10.3e.
6 Q0 Z4 G( a0 M8 U人字齒的用途與直齒輪,、斜齒輪類似,。實際上也把它叫做雙斜齒輪。人字齒有兩個相反方向的螺線,。這種復(fù)雜的配置平衡了螺旋角的軸向力,。圖e為人字齒。% p* ?) P% K" ~( a
& C9 a* y' N- i0 b
Bevel gears have teeth formed on a conical surface and are used to transmit motion between nonparallel shafts. Although most of their applications involve connecting perpendicular shafts, bevel gears can also be used in applications that require shaft angles that are both larger and smaller than 90°. As bevel gears mesh, their cones have a common apex. However, the actual cone angle of each gear depends on the gear ratio of the mating gears. Therefore, bevel gears are designed as a set, and replacing one gear to alter the gear ratio is not possible. A pair of mating bevel gears is illustrated in Figure 10.3f.
, k/ ?8 o9 g$ d/ o! O5 V% W圓錐齒輪的齒在圓錐表面上形成,。用于傳遞不平行軸之間的運動,。大多數(shù)情況下圓錐齒輪用于傳遞垂直軸間的運動,但也可傳遞成任意角度的軸之間的運動,。圓錐齒輪配合時錐頂重合,。然而錐角決定于齒數(shù)比。因此圓錐齒輪一般成套設(shè)計,,通過改變一個齒輪來改變齒數(shù)比是不現(xiàn)實的,。圖f是一對配合的圓錐齒輪。
/ o- k# A. y# j
" ?0 P  m# R, a* K 5 W$ `, [8 @; D% t, H2 {

" Q# i/ @, f$ k$ j" U) u7 r' VMiter gears are a special case of bevel gears where the gears are of equal size and the shaft angle is 90°. A pair of mating miter gears is illustrated in Figure 10.3g.
5 U$ E% U9 B( C+ b4 w等齒數(shù)整角錐齒輪副是圓錐齒輪的特例,,兩齒輪有相同的尺寸,,并且兩軸成90°。圖g為一對配合的等齒數(shù)整角錐齒輪副。
9 X" p) E. Y  e) j+ ^+ s) c+ m
1 h: P* H. [* Y4 J1 Q! {, _A worm and worm gear is used to transmit motion between nonparallel and nonintersecting shafts. The worm has one tooth that is formed in a spiral around a pitch cylinder. This one tooth is also referred to as the thread because it resembles a screw thread. Similar to the helical gear, the spiral pitch of the worm generates an axial force that must be supported. In most applications, the worm drives the worm gear to produce great speed reductions. Generally, a worm gear drive is not reversible. That is, the worm gear cannot drive the worm. A mating worm and worm gear are shown in Figure 10.3h.
- a# v. x. ?3 J" v% g8 P蝸輪蝸桿用于傳遞不平行不相交軸之間的運動,。蝸桿是指具有一個或幾個螺旋齒,,并且與蝸輪嚙合而組成交錯軸齒輪副的齒輪。這一螺旋齒也被稱作螺紋,。與斜齒輪類似,,蝸桿的螺線產(chǎn)生軸向力。絕大多數(shù)情況下,,由蝸桿驅(qū)動渦輪產(chǎn)生巨大的減速,。一般來說渦輪驅(qū)動是不可逆的,也就是說,,渦輪不能驅(qū)動蝸桿,。圖h為一對配合的蝸輪蝸桿。
, T$ l2 I) ^  _# h( {
# Q9 t+ A8 h8 @/ T, O/ |* l/ {: ?
; v1 W. ^  x& g7 M
發(fā)表于 2016-4-9 23:13:26 | 只看該作者
黑森林的鹿 發(fā)表于 2016-4-9 17:26
" X) T  l4 V, W1 P1 o【20160409】Gears: Kinematic Analysis and Selection
7 |. y3 B' S- E- I  h0 R7 ~
! J! J$ B! |! h+ }0 @INTRODUCTION

, @% G" Q+ q# m& ~; ^/ T看英語真累,,by the way,樓主自己翻譯的么
6 U+ e: l# ?& }6 u9 S, c$ `
 樓主| 發(fā)表于 2016-4-10 17:32:27 | 只看該作者
【20160410】Spur Gear Terminology; z, O+ Y6 B1 u+ r# K

, x3 J8 C- |- _0 Z
8 k* {7 ~$ `4 Z. E% tPitch circle: the circle that represents the size of the corresponding friction roller that could replace the gear.0 C" L- v, O7 v2 n7 j7 i
分度圓:代表對應(yīng)摩擦輪尺寸的圓,。$ f# Q, r& U( R5 @# `" |
( B: y! r7 [7 O! d1 R8 l; C; x6 [0 e
Pitch point: the point of contact of the two pitch circles.: ~( J+ L1 _) y+ x, Z. x5 E
6 m/ |! j! ~0 T. o* y
5 Z9 W, ?0 @/ x6 s/ Z: rPitch diameter: the diameter of the pitch circle, also a widely referenced gear parameter.0 v9 o2 l6 o) j
& h. m, a4 v: G4 z; A( U, j0 u" G+ p; ~8 |5 u: K2 v: g2 K
Number of teeth(N): the total number of teeth on the gear.
$ Y4 R- S4 l- D8 K' B齒數(shù):齒輪上的總齒數(shù),。. D4 X/ ]! f5 T# Y; J

$ q4 l- F/ R1 Y8 N/ T7 i8 ECircular pitch(p): the distance measured along the pitch circle from a point on one tooth to the corresponding point on the adjacent tooth of the gear.2 d* U$ v5 \0 C& ~/ Z
$ s$ q2 ]( C- M" h3 @ * T: J" d, H% v+ P; l3 [4 o
Base circle : the circle from which the curved shape of the gear tooth is constructed.: ?8 e+ Q5 a' A( t
基圓:齒輪的齒從其上形成的圓,。; j: \" M! j' B7 J- n  {) e
/ y6 z8 o2 [$ f- \! b0 O$ P
Face width(F): the length of the gear tooth parallel with the shaft axis.: p9 J! [/ {: z6 u+ _6 H
齒寬:齒輪齒的實體在軸向上的長度,。; |4 B; o) E7 x3 U2 a. ?3 K, _9 S

' T! G7 ]  G9 e' H# rAddendum(a): the radial distance from the pitch circle to the top of a gear tooth.
* x' p  @! U  d齒頂高:分度圓到齒頂?shù)膹较蚓嚯x。  ]/ u( p2 V, K

  {% X$ n! I/ }% ~! p) ^. T: ?Dedendum(b): the radial distance from the pitch circle to the bottom of a gear tooth.5 a% A+ h9 B+ C& p9 R3 h
齒根高:分度圓到齒根的徑向距離,。$ B; s  V" A5 B* {

2 r6 T. A% {( h& Y+ z4 p+ sWhole depth: the height of a gear tooth and is the sum of the addendum and dedendum.
* I# Q4 {+ N, X5 w. J! U( o總寬:齒的高度,,也就是齒頂高與齒根高之和。
7 @6 g5 H% N! w+ J1 p$ f; `$ K* t
Diametral pitch(Pd): the number of teeth per inch of pitch diameter; a standard for tooth size specifications.8 y4 M# a2 I0 y5 p
: u7 ]. l' `! k8 F/ v4 x6 }# K5 @. ?- u0 g2 v0 Y  w& F& d) E5 w  Y
Module(m): a relative measure of tooth size. It is defined as the ratio of pitch diameter to the number of teeth in a gear.
+ R9 D. [  Q1 M% S模數(shù):齒大小的衡量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。定義是徑節(jié)與齒數(shù)之比,。
5 K. {' a2 C4 T  a- \: h0 N
# ^/ U# I$ k) d4 y: J+ SPressure angle(ϕ): angle between the pitch line and the pressure line.
: _; Q4 a; N$ dBecause the pressure angle affects the shape of a tooth, two mating gears must have the same pressure angle.' r- q% O. e: Y3 X/ A
壓力角:節(jié)線與壓力線間的夾角,。影響齒輪形狀,因此配合的齒輪必須有同樣的壓力角,。; s5 h3 j1 u& r6 I
. U3 q+ p+ C; @; B
Pitch line: the line tangent to the pitch circles.8 O  E1 J  t) l5 \; ]3 {3 e
7 M- w! `$ t% n9 D/ `5 Q
$ M/ y4 f- [: r$ y+ l( wPressure line: the line perpendicular to the surfaces of the teeth at the contact.
; ]( L- T; K$ @9 ]壓力線:與齒接觸面垂直的線。: Y  x* A, j2 b" F- A$ `) w
6 ]; o( d3 F7 v2 w  r- [) f
 樓主| 發(fā)表于 2016-4-10 17:33:13 | 只看該作者
劉星宇 發(fā)表于 2016-4-9 23:13
8 k0 }0 z, _: f. ]看英語真累,,by the way,,樓主自己翻譯的么
4 ~9 o7 h6 O  C' @6 D5 k$ b
哈哈,多看就好~是自己翻譯呀,如有不當(dāng)歡迎指出~* }, q0 C' w2 N5 k, F7 \* G
 樓主| 發(fā)表于 2016-4-11 11:44:38 | 只看該作者
【20160411】Fundamental law of gearing
( z9 h) ]* Q9 s
+ H/ {& [" X1 AFundamental law of gearing:the angular velocity ratio between the gears of a gearset remains constant throughout the mesh.
% Q2 W- y4 |' }齒廓嚙合基本定律:嚙合過程中兩齒輪的角速度之比保持不變,。
, P1 x% t* `; p/ q 2 m4 D3 t* d" n( c& G

8 i) S: `) S5 K5 O" C* _* W4 ^
0 w# V9 q( p6 [& f, m1 }7 }& b- U0 ]
0 h/ D+ ]$ d7 m. p) S. n. gP: instant center.
& ^9 |6 ]8 p6 PP點為速度瞬心,。# m. r+ U. f; S
Velocity ratio:
) L( B7 Y  x9 A( @0 y4 F
' a. l5 i$ i7 Z# g, K0 A' U/ ~Constant velocity ratio:point P should be fixed." K( x8 n3 |2 I: W* I
& c. b: w/ S4 _, ]- I' }; ~2 @) {: D4 n8 I" R
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