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打造專家:如何在4 周內(nèi)成為頂尖專家

發(fā)表于 2014-5-24 13:42:12 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
這是我在《每周工作四小時》(The 4-Hour Workweek)上面看到的一段文章,。我覺得里面的觀點我們學(xué)機械的也可以借鑒。" w% q" b7 Z6 Q" z# m" G) @
8 _) @5 W1 k% v; v( L$ K" V1 i
5 [: @2 i3 q& l! |# G) W! e
) f- @9 M4 q) N1 B9 }0 u如何打造,?
# U" ]& U6 y4 i9 q' i  u1 g% K4 S/ w9 O8 A1 j: W2 t+ g
" \9 V7 {' O0 q2 X" E7 m/ ~* U
  s- K! |* M8 U. y4 _3 w9 i* J舉個例子,,如果想進入比較好的外企的話,也許至少需要一個四六級證書,。但是,,如果你能夠花4個月的時間學(xué)習(xí)英語,考個《上海高級口譯證書》,。你應(yīng)聘外企成功的幾率必然大大增加,。
: r" X# M7 [  Q8 ]$ q5 a) T* y/ x
' S- `) ^7 J4 i" N! U: x5 f1 d專業(yè)方面,參加個某某機械工程師機械協(xié)會,成為會員,,弄個注冊機械工程師證,,應(yīng)該也很簡單。(這個我沒弄個,,也不知道有多大用處,,僅僅是舉例)。這些東西寫在簡歷上,,至少也會讓招聘人員印象深刻一些,,增加成功幾率。
' m8 o, r; K; S
1 Y# W9 R! w" W, L3 l& g再者,,弄幾個專利,,需要自己有一定創(chuàng)新能力,貌似也有花錢找人幫忙申請專利的,。
' q( [# j; r0 v- d4 ~& k7 b- q) c! }
2 [, n- p) d, M8 D, |……
: C+ P: \: [! @; j  f; U$ x9 Q1 B) K4 [, q4 a9 Q! ]+ n! r
下面是《打造專家:如何在4 周內(nèi)成為頂尖專家》的內(nèi)容:
* E4 w, x7 u8 V
- ^2 x. Q8 |& F! }, ^0 M該除去專家身上的神圣光圈了,。讓專業(yè)界指責(zé)我吧。
  a% T& x8 ~7 S1 Z8 }7 n# U
, D5 L. ?; l; V9 y4 {

# }9 M$ s& ]; N" b首先,,被看成專家和是專家是有區(qū)別的,。在商業(yè)界,前者是售出產(chǎn)品的人,,而后者,,和你的"最小客戶基礎(chǔ)"有關(guān),指的是創(chuàng)造優(yōu)秀產(chǎn)品并能夠防止退貨的人,。4 ?3 X* v5 p% C6 `& Z: U- m" E
6 O+ a) n) r4 ]7 V
0 x" W# r* Z8 J& P
通曉某個領(lǐng)域內(nèi)的所有知識是可能的--比如藥品--但是如果在名字之后你沒有一個醫(yī)學(xué)博士的稱號,,很少有人會信服你所說的話,。這里的醫(yī)學(xué)博士就是我說的"信用指標(biāo)",。擁有最多信用指標(biāo)的所謂"專家"是能夠售出最多產(chǎn)品的人,但不是最了解產(chǎn)品意義的人,。0 y$ _+ |8 }0 }$ e0 s) ]" x& B' T
% f: Q  k) }8 W1 n

6 J* t2 R, p/ m8 U$ U6 s那么,,如何在最短時間內(nèi)具備那些信用指標(biāo)呢?5 d/ S* _2 X2 W+ R4 ~  K  E  B
3 m: P4 {, n  K# E9 E

. c9 J; ^* u6 O+ d4 t( T我的一位朋友只花了3 周時間就成為"頂尖的關(guān)系學(xué)專家,,不僅被Glamour雜志和其他美國媒體進行特別報道,,還為《財富》500 強企業(yè)的經(jīng)理提供過如何在24 小時內(nèi)改善關(guān)系的咨詢"。她是如何做到的,?# H' A9 @; v. L( `, Y6 v9 ]
# j% G8 c( j) M& `

0 h5 J3 O0 |: t( Y# I0 G+ O/ e她采取了一些簡單的步驟,,產(chǎn)生了信用的滾雪球效應(yīng)。下面是你可以效仿的步驟:
% e4 `$ y$ C+ ^. ?8 m, [4 [& z2 l2 ~- E- P+ _+ a% A
& z9 |5 r; Z/ h, I/ A
1.加入兩到三個響亮的商業(yè)組織頭銜,。在她的例子里,,她選擇了"解決爭議協(xié)會"(www.acrnet.org)和"性別教育國際基金會"(www.ifge.org)。這些頭銜可以在網(wǎng)上通過一張信用卡花5 分鐘解決。2 A# Z" q% S$ n6 n# i% g; ?

. ]# _# t7 K3 N) `( T

  v' [7 ~7 G# s% c3 Q& P4 Q2.閱讀自己關(guān)注主題的3 本最暢銷書,。(在線搜索《紐約時報》的最暢銷書單),,每本書總結(jié)一頁紙。
" p6 ?7 a9 G5 m
2 u& P' ?7 S  s$ }( T
- |0 Q2 P4 W4 {5 X" ?$ C
3.通過張貼海報宣傳,,在附近的知名大學(xué)里進行一次1~3 小時的免費講座,。然后在位于同一區(qū)域的兩家著名大公司(比如ATT公司、IBM 公司等)的分公司也舉行同樣的講座,。告訴對方自己在某某大學(xué)或者某某學(xué)院也做過類似講座,,并且是步驟1 提到的組織成員之一。強調(diào)你是免費為他們講座,,只是為了在學(xué)術(shù)之外增加自己的演講經(jīng)驗,,并不是銷售任何產(chǎn)品或者服務(wù)。從會場的兩個不同角度錄制下講座以備將來制作成CD/DVD 產(chǎn)品,。
& T& g7 z0 F6 s3 r2 c# F% a; H  v$ z' i# ?8 m
' A8 x- y; i! n
4.可選步驟,。給自己關(guān)注主題的相關(guān)商業(yè)雜志投一兩篇稿子,引用步驟1 和3 里你完成的事例證明你的信用度,。如果遭到對方拒絕,,就主動要求采訪一位知名專家并采寫一篇報道--你的名字仍然會出現(xiàn)在作者一欄中。$ H! g: u) o' x& `

2 h4 p( L& h3 H6 \

6 L) W. S% z6 ]: H3 F5.加入美通公司的ProfNet 服務(wù),。這是一個幫助新聞記者引用專業(yè)發(fā)言人的觀點,、豐富新聞故事內(nèi)容的網(wǎng)絡(luò)服務(wù)。成為公共人物很簡單,,只要你停止叫嚷開始傾聽,。通過步驟1、3 和4 證明自己的信用度,,網(wǎng)上查詢以回復(fù)記者的疑問,。如果做得恰到好處,你就會出現(xiàn)在各種媒體上面,,從地方小報到《紐約時報》和ABC新聞,。8 A+ U3 b/ d/ |
, v2 R' U+ O& P

3 Z. ]; x2 |/ R, ~* h成為一個公認的專家并不難,所以我想現(xiàn)在就把障礙去除,。
9 o! {3 c+ L+ k1 i; }5 p3 M# b# N. l1 r( s/ v' P5 q+ Q- x
+ ^% e, m0 c0 X9 j
* c6 R  o8 g5 j, @9 C
, h* K, k! Y1 z
9 R+ L1 v0 T# _, e3 f- A
用最好的方式展示事實,,但不要編造,,這是這個游戲的本義。0 P) f; D# x% c' a" ~

$ T" D0 |) U4 ]0 c) c: ?9 \$ J4 F

2 X$ R+ E; j) a. {電視上再見,。! }5 k, h; l  h2 x
& n6 d4 Z0 o! q$ y1 v0 J2 v" [
: t' H& ]6 p$ F2 C, Q

% ~5 {) Q3 T, @" D8 P
8 s+ K/ [" D' k
英文原版:# M0 ~' B* d# |( H7 K' i
/ K3 F3 A3 T. ~- R
The Expert Builder: How to Become a Top Expertin 4 Weeks
It's time to obliterate the cult ofthe expert. Let the PR world scorn me.
First and foremost, there is adifference between being perceived as an expert and being one. Inthe context of business, the former is what sells product and the latter,relativeto your "minimal customer base," is what creates good products andpreventsreturns.
It is possible to know all there isto know about a subject— medicine, for example—but if you don't have M.D. atthe end of your name, few will listen. The M.D. is what I term a"credibility indicator." The so-called expert with the most credibilityindicators is the one who will sell the most product, not the one with the mostknowledge of a topic.
How, then, do we go about acquiringcredibility indicators in the least time possible?
It took a friend of mine just threeweeks to become a "top relationship expert who, as featured in Glamour andother national media, has counseled executives at Fortune 500 companies on howto improve their relationships in 24 hours or less." How did she do it?
She followed a few simple steps thatcreated a credibility snowball effect.Here's how you can do the same.
1. Join two or threerelated trade organizations with official-sounding names.In her case, she chose the Association for Conflict Resolution(www.acrnet.org)and The International Foundation for Gender Education(www.ifge.org). This canbe done online in five minutes with a credit card.
2. Read the threetop-selling books on your topic (searchhistorical New York Times bestseller lists online) and summarizeeach on one page.
3. Give one freeone-to-three-hour seminar at the closest well-knownuniversity, using posters to advertise. Then do the same at branches of two well-knownbig companies (AT&T, IBM, etc.) located in the same area. Tell the companythat you have given seminars at University X or X College and are a member ofthose groups from step 1. Emphasize that you are offering it to them for freeto get additional speaking experience outside of academics and will not beselling products or services. Record the seminars from two angles for
later potential use as a CD/DVDproduct.
4. Optional: Offer towrite one or two articles for trade magazines
related to your topics, citing whatyou have accomplished in steps 1 and 3 for credibility. If they decline, offerto interview a known expert and write the article—it still gets your namelisted as a contributor.
5. Join ProfNet, which is a service that journalists use to find experts to quote forarticles. Getting PR is simple if you stop shouting and start
listening. Use steps 1, 3, and 4 todemonstrate credibility and online
research to respond to journalistqueries. Done properly, this will get you featured in media ranging from smalllocal publications to the New York Times and ABC News.
Becoming a recognized expert isn'tdifficult, so I want to remove that barrier now.
I am not recommending pretending tobe something you're not. I can't!
"Expert" is nebulous media-speakand so overused as to be indefinable. In modern PR terms, proof of expertise inmost fields is shown with group affiliations, client lists, writingcredentials, and media mentions, not \Q points or Ph.D.s.
Presenting the truth in the bestlight, but not fabricating it, is the name of thegame.
See you on CNN.

; A4 H3 I5 [, V+ \3 N* x6 U1 h  T: ~6 w( O# Y4 o

9 W; r3 c, E# {; p7 n  a/ m/ G
發(fā)表于 2014-5-24 13:46:56 | 只看該作者


可以錦上添花,當(dāng)然成為真正的專家不是像作者說的那么容易的,。至少是人才的話,,不會被埋沒。  發(fā)表于 2014-5-24 13:54
發(fā)表于 2014-5-24 14:14:34 | 只看該作者
發(fā)表于 2014-5-24 20:14:59 | 只看該作者


很反感這些所謂的培訓(xùn)師動不動就以是某某大師的終身弟子自居,。在我眼里就是一普通業(yè)務(wù)員而已,比傳銷合法點,。搞培訓(xùn)的人成功了,,被成功學(xué)充實腦子的人倒大部分不成功。  發(fā)表于 2014-5-25 09:58
很多培訓(xùn)師喜歡自己給自己封名號,,一大堆頭銜,,其實都是自封的,。……XX導(dǎo)師,,XX開創(chuàng)者,,XX創(chuàng)始人,XX創(chuàng)立者,,XX大腦工程師……  發(fā)表于 2014-5-25 07:27
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